Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
Peter von Kaehne <ref...@gmx.net> writes:
What exactly is it, why is it useful to have in a  Bible study
programme? And yes, is it something done by the engine? To what extent
and which languages. Does it require specially marked up modules or is
it simply there? Do we have modules on which it could be tested? What
should I look out for?

I don't know anything about it, either, but I went digging a bit.

Looking at the source in src/modules/filters/osismorphsegmentation.cpp,
it's an OSIS capability requiring <seg></seg> markup.  I could add it to
Xiphos in an hour, if I knew it was useful enough to bother with.

I poked around a few modules, finding it only in KJV (but I wasn't being
comprehensive), where it used always to bracket divineName usage, e.g.,
So far, this doesn't convince me that it's adequately useful to justify
even that hour.

(Just working from memory here.)

OSISMorphSegmentation came from BibleTime, and is used only in the WLC. It hides/shows the OSIS tags <seg type="x-morpheme">HEBREW</seg> (or something with similar semantics).

This is only useful if you then do some kind of rendering distinction between versions of the text with/without that tag. You couls separate the morphemes with a space or hyphen. Or you could color each successive morpheme of a word differently (black->blue->red->green->...) or try to guess which are roots (maybe the longest morpheme?) and color those black, all prefixes blue, all suffixes red, etc. I don't remember any of the Hebrew I once studied, so someone else could probably give you better advice there.

And example of a morpheme break within a word is in the first word of Genesis, bereshit (coarsly transliterated), which would be separated as be-reshit.


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