DM Smith wrote:
Peter von Kaehne wrote:
Am trying to clean up a new module but stumble over the Ps 119 acrostic

In USFM they are encoded \qa [Letter]
I tried <lg type="acrostic"> [Letter] </lg> but it appears that xmllint
does not like it. I get a message inside lg with attribute there may not
be anything but white space.
An <lg> can contain <l>, so:
<lg type="acrostic"><l>[Letter]</l></lg>
should work.

Not sure if this is the best way. You might check the KJV to see how I did it there.

acrostic wasn't defined as a type of lg, so if you really want to tag a stanza as being acrostic, you'd have to use <lg type="x-acrostic">. You might also want to add an n value: <lg type="x-acrostic" n="[letter]">.

Where the acrostic is really expected is within title:
<title type="acrostic">[letter]</title>


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