mmital wrote:
I have been using Alkitab bible study lately. Fantastic piece of software, truly amazing. I also noticed that it is in public domain, while using sword engine that is in GPL v2, and other components that may have their own license ( My question is: Am I permitted to release future versions of SwordBible under public domain? The reason is that I want to continue to use the sword library that is under GPL, while also making use of third party components that may not be under GPL (with the permissions from their respective copyright holders). Can this be done? Thanks for the clarifications.
I can't answer for the SWORD library.

Alkitab Bible Study is public domain and clearly states it does not pertain to any parts of JSword or any other third party library that JSword depends upon. We discussed this on jsword-devel. It was a decision of the JSword development team not to make a big deal out of it. We'd like to keep it that way; that is, not a big deal for Alkitab. (At this point, I think Tonny would go GPL, if we asked him to.)

In Him,

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