Hi all!

A few comments about the recent sword tarball. I haven't done any
testing yet, just compiling =D.

A new tool? List-missing gave this:

There files are present in the tarball. I'm wondering whether they are
still needed in svn and I don't think VCS specific files should be in
a tarball:
dmit...@ibex-macbook:~/src/tarballs/sword-1.6.0RC1$ du -a | grep cvs
4       ./include/.cvsignore
4       ./examples/cmdline/.cvsignore
4       ./examples/.cvsignore
4       ./Makefile.cvs
4       ./utilities/.cvsignore
4       ./utilities/diatheke/.cvsignore
4       ./lib/.cvsignore
4       ./icu/.cvsignore
4       ./bindings/swig/package/README.cvs
4       ./tests/tmp/.cvsignore
4       ./tests/.cvsignore
4       ./tests/testsuite/.cvsignore

Also there are 2 pre-build ELF object files in the tarball. It's in
bindings/ so I'm not sure whether this is intentional or not. See
output from lintian:

P: sword source: source-contains-prebuilt-binary bindings/gsoap/stdsoap.o
N:    The source tarball contains a prebuilt ELF object. They are usually left
N:    by mistake when generating the tarball by not cleaning the source
N:    directory first. You may want to report this as an upstream bug, in case
N:    there is no sign that this was intended.
N:    Severity: pedantic, Certainty: certain
P: sword source: source-contains-prebuilt-binary bindings/gsoap/soapcpp

Sword fails to build with gcc-snapshot (the last ubuntu gcc-snapshot
is from January, I think, so it reflects gcc4.4). The build can be
fixed with this patch against svn 2322 (this has been reported by
debian gcc team in debian BTS the name of the reported is Martin
Michlmayr <t...@cyrius.com> more info [1]):

=== modified file 'utilities/emptyvss.cpp'
--- utilities/emptyvss.cpp      2009-02-07 08:24:08 +0000
+++ utilities/emptyvss.cpp      2009-04-13 19:48:54 +0000
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include <swmodule.h>
 #include <versekey.h>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <cstdio>
 #include <stdio.h>


[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=505362

With best regards

Crosswire Debian Packaging Team member
Dmitrijs Ledkovs (for short Dima),
Ледков Дмитрий Юрьевич

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