On Apr 14, 2009, at 9:43 AM, Brian J. Dumont wrote:

Hi there,

I have a few commentaries that I've started preparing. They use linked verses heavily. Two methods are given for linking on the wiki, only one

References like:
annotateRef="Matt.21.1 Matt.21.2 Matt.21.3 Matt.21.4 Matt.21.5 Matt. 21.6
Matt.21.7 Matt.21.8 Matt.21.9"

are fine.  Ones like:

never actually link. I have a sample osis file, but my email got kicked
back to me when I submitted it.

Brian, there's has been a bug in the library that keeps linking from working. I thought that Troy's recent commit fixed the problem. Send me the file directly and I'll use it to debug the problem.

-- DM

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