Ben Morgan wrote:
On 07/06/2009, *Chris Little* < <>> wrote:

    The *htmlhref filters are the GnomeSword filters. They may now be
    used by other front ends, and the GnomeSword/Xiphos team may have
    abandoned their maintenance, but they were originally written by
    Terry and do some non-standard stuff (as opposed to the *html
    filters, which should just output valid html fragments). They were
    included in Sword long ago at his request.

The *html filters haven't been maintained for a long time (as far as I can tell) and probably need removing - the htmlhref ones do a more reasonable job of html rendering.

I don't have a problem with removal of the *html filters (the code itself) provided that the *htmlhref filters produce actual HTML--preferably XHTML. We probably will want to maintain API compatibility by moving the *htmlhref filters on top of the *html filters, then subclass *htmlhref from *html, and deprecate the *htmlhref filters altogether for removal when we hit 1.8.0.


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