When reading Japanese Kougo module ( which has ruby annotations ) with
Xiphos 3.1, right cricking on the text and selecting [Modules options]
->[Tranliteration] , we have alphabetical texts instead of kanji characters.

For example, japanese text of Genesis 1.1


is transliterated into


'は' correspond to 'ha', 'じ' correspond to 'ji' and so on.

But '神' should correspond to 'kami' instead of 'Shin', because
the original OSIS file's ruby annotation should be like

はじめに<w gloss="かみ">神</w>は<w gloss="てん">天</w>と...

which says '神' should be pronounciated as 'kami'
( 'か' correspond to 'ka' and 'み' correspond to 'mi' ).
and the resulting transliterated text should be


Though, there are some exceptions of ruby and pronounciations
( expecially in Japanese Bungo text ) , if this rule is properly
implemented, the resulting text would become more readable.

-- jovanni

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