I opened Aleppo in the SWORD Project for Windows, to Malachi 4:6. It says, Chapter 4 at the top, then has a 1, for verse 1, followed by Mal 3:19-24, with (Malachi 3:19), etc. with each verse. Then immediately after that it has a 6, for a verse number (no 2-5 in between), followed by multiple chapters of Genesis, starting from 1:1.



Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
DM Smith <dmsm...@crosswire.org> writes:
This seems to say that Aleppo needs to have a different versification.

Perhaps, but perhaps not.  This came to attention via a Xiphos bug
report, where the reporter said, "...displays Genesis 1:1 and a lot more

If it's repeating Gen1.1 then of course something deeper is wrong.  As
yourself, I can't read Hebrew, so I can't say, all I can do is report
the problem.

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