Hi, Barry. If you want maintain SwordReader, we could roll back on latest 
working for you version of SwRd svn, and apply my patches. For now SwordReader 
works on wm5+ devices, and wm2003 has bug with menu display, that cause program 
termination, whitch i haven't time to fix (maybe it is beacouse my devenv?).

----- Исходное сообщение -----
От: Barry Drake <bdr...@crosswire.org>
Отправлено: 22 декабря 2009 г. 15:02
Кому: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum <sword-devel@crosswire.org>
Тема: Re: [sword-devel] SwordReader .....

Hi David ...........

David Haslam wrote:
> A search through the archives finds (2009-05-23) that David Trotz decided to
> stop work on SwordReader development.
David did correspond with me before he left, as I was a co-developer on 
the project.  That is why I posted the comment.  I am not active on it 
for two reasons.  One is that it is no longer able to build with the 
free Microsoft environment without a lot of work, and the other is that 
David's excellent coding took the whole thing way beyond my limited C++. 

As the last release stands, it's an excellent app. and I use it 
regularly, however, as more and more folk are moving away from Windows 
Mobile, I suspect that there is no longer any need to maintain the 
present release beyond offering support, which I can do!  There have 
been almost no posts about it for ages now.  That suggests to me that it 
is close to being dead in the water.

God bless,


-- From Barry Drake (The Revd) Health and Healing advisor to the East Midlands 
Synod of the United Reformed Church.  See http://www.urc5.org.uk/index for 
information about the synod, and http://www.urc5.org.uk/?q=node/703 for the 
Synod Healing pages.

Replies - b.dr...@ntlworld.com

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