On 04/05/2010 09:03 AM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
On 5 April 2010 13:55, Manfred Bergmann<manfred.bergm...@me.com>  wrote:
Hi DM.

Am 05.04.2010 um 13:21 schrieb DM Smith:

Regarding using a "real" parser, it is a good idea. But we don't want SWORD to 
be dependant on an external parser.
What's the reason for that?
I could understand if it would mean for the user to install certain libraries 
manually but when the sources can be integrated into the project and has the 
appropriate licence then why not?


IMHO there is no harm in bringing in libxml or a much more lightweight
parser like GMarkup. The build system just needs to be adjusted to
link e.g. libxml for the osis2mod binary and not shared sword library.
in can be even called a new tool osisxml2mod for example and make it
be build optionally such that you can still have full sword dev
environment without libxml.

Tools for creating modules do not have be linked with sword or even
live in sword taball / svn. Although it does help consistent
distribution of tools.
I don't remember all of Troy's reasoning when I argued for a true parser.

From what I recall:
o To maintain freedom to re-license SWORD (e.g. for some other Bible society) we need to be able to keep 3-rd party library dependencies well managed. The license needs to be compatible with the GPL but cannot be GPL.

o The parser that we have is minimal and simple, sacrificing accuracy and completeness for speed. Regarding accuracy, e.g. the parser allows for spaces around = in attribute declarations. Regarding completeness, e.g. it does not handle namespaces, cdata, dtds/schemas, .... Significantly, it does not require a well-formed document, allowing for fragments. Rather than an error, it continues when an xml parser is required to stop.

o This parser has better error reporting in that it is based upon knowledge of the input. E.g. it reports the verse having the problem.

o By SWORD having the parser, we are not dependent on finding an implementation for every platform (e.g. Windows).

There may be other reasons. I'm willing to live with it.

But what we really need is not a parser but a tokenizer. I'm thinking about writing one (my degree work was in compiler writing). Basically, we repeat the same tokenization code in several places. It should be trivial to write a complete, accurate one.

In His Service,

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