Hello Kunio,
I love your idea. I forwarding your email onto the Open Scriptures group, as
there are many people there who I know would be very interested in your idea
and who share your desire for having open access to scriptural data. Your
described a need for a collaborative translation tool and this is something
we've been talking about in connection with Bible.org and being powered by
apps within the Django/Pinax framework.

As I understand it, CrossWire is the place to go for collaborating on your
goal to “build free Bible viewer for portable devices” but that CrossWire
tries to stay away from creating data themselves; on the other hand, Open
Scriptures is a place to collaborate on the underlying scriptural data, but
not to actually build the applications that work with the scriptural data.
Open Scriptures is a “platform for the development of open scriptural linked
data and its applications”―a platform in the sense that it is a place for
like-minded people to collaborate (as is currently happening with the Hebrew
Old Testament, for example), and a platform in the sense that it is working
toward a standard API <http://github.com/openscriptures/api> that can power
scripture applications.


On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 7:25 PM, Nakamaru Kunio <n_e_...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>  I recently joined the mailing list, and this is my first post.
> Kunio Nakamaru is my name, I am from Japan.
> My primary goal regarding e-Bible is to make modern Japanese
> translations available in OSIS. (hopefully open one like World English
> Bible)
> I am guessing from reading web materials in Crosswire, one way is to talk
> to the publishers,
> explaining the advantages of making their formats available in OSIS. And
> help them to distribute
>  their OSIS online, if they are not sure how to do.
> Then, my first question arise. Can I just go to the Bible societies and
> introduce them about the SWORD project?
> (Maybe I should ask this question in sword-support?)
> From my understanding of their organizational cultures, it is pretty hard
> even selling OSIS. So, I came up with
> the second approach which is to work on a translation like WEB. However,
> counting the number of Japanese
> Christian population, this approach seems pretty unrealistic too. (I am not
> a honor pastor nor a great
> Theological scholar to get people to help as such, but just a programmer)
> But what if there is a managed teamwork editing website like Wikipedia to
> translate the Bible in public domain?
> It probably should provide one wiki-like page for one verse to give spaces
> for adding comments, external references and so on.
> Other translations texts, commentaries, dictionaries from OSIS modules
> should be imported for references to help the translation process.
> And of course, AUTH mechanism to control commits (maybe by committees).
> Even with that, I am not 100% sure if it can help Japanese Christians make
> an own WEB.
> But it could also help other language speakers who are restricted from
> strict copyrighted translations.
> So the second question is "can this Wikipedia-style Bible Translation
> project be a part of The SWORD Project"?
> My second goal is to build or contribute to build free Bible viewer for
> portable devices, which can take notes,
> underline verses and add own commentaries to make the Bible "mine".
> Regarding this, I kind of found a way out
> through one of the SWORD projects. Thank you.
> In Him
> Kunio Nakamaru
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