
There isn't new Copyright on a digital file that only contains the
unchanged text of the expired work. (keine Schöpffungshöhe = kein
Werk=kein Urheberecht).

This is an urban legend.

Please stopp to spread such legends the doesn't help further


@David French copyrights ends 50 Years after dead

2010/5/17 Manfred Bergmann <manfred.bergm...@me.com>:
> Am 17.05.2010 um 10:31 schrieb David Haslam:
>> The relevant dates are: "La Sainte Bible commentée d'après la Vulgate (8
>> volumes, 1888-1895)"
>> His death was in 1927.  This is early enough for the translation to be
>> public domain as it is more than 70 years since the death of the translator.
> The copyrights of the hardcopy may be expired but the digital text could have 
> different copyrights.
> Manfred
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