Thanks for the news, Troy! This sounds to be very similar to the Bible
Knowledgebase that Sean Boisen has worked on at Logos. Is Steven's work an
open alternative? Is it a direct "competitor"?


On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 1:53 AM, Troy A. Griffitts <>wrote:

> Throughout the history of OSIS development, and at most Bible tech
> conferences I've attended, we've all discussed the need for a Proper
> Name Identifier Registry of unambiguous IDs for referencing people and
> places in the Bible.
> For the past couple months Steve DeRose has been working to extract
> every proper name from the Bible and disambiguate and define a unique
> identifier for each.  Along the way he is also building a very basic set
> of metadata for each entity (in the natural sense).
> Use Cases:
> A student is reading about the land of Seir and would like to see all
> articles in her library that reference this place and would not like to
> see any article about Seir the father of Ezer.
> A student would like to do research on Judas the brother of Christ.
> An author would like to write an article on the many Herods who ruled in
> Palestine, including which was the father of who, and unambiguously
> reference-tag each Herod throughout his article.
> Steve is very close to completing his work.  An intern at Calvin College
> will be proofing his labors and polishing it up over the summer.
> I'm sure he's like to hear your feedback.
> I am personally excited to finally have a set of identifiers we can use
> to disambiguate entities in Scripture.  It would be so useful if we all
> could agree to make this a common set of identifiers when we tag proper
> names in Scripture and related materials.
> What are your thoughts?
> Troy
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