I haven't had much time to attend to module submissions lately, except from 
sources who are providing updates to their own submissions. We have had a lot 
of problems lately with Slavic-language submissions, in that they frequently 
contain copyrighted material without attribution (e.g. The text itself, 
Strong's numbers, or other markup). So it would help greatly if you could 
identify the source of all additions (red letter markup & corrections) if you 
didn't type them yourself. We are also in a period of significant change right 
now, as we switch from KJV-v11n to native v11ns, so it would be best to submit 
content using the Synodal v11n. Updates to material already converted to a 
native v11n (e.g. updates to the RST) would be rejected. But that shouldn't 
apply to any Ukrainian texts.


On May 31, 2010, at 6:05, Pypsik Pypsik <pypsic...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I've submitted (to modu...@crosswire.org) a month or so ago a version 1.4 of 
> Ukrainian (I.Ogienko) Bible which had few typos fixed and Red Letter support 
> added.
> With few follow up e-mails later, haven't heard any response in regards to 
> the submission.
> Anyone know of the status, or can help in publishing the 1.4 version?
> If so, that be great, cause ready for submission is Ukrainian NT (Kulish, 
> 1871 - public domain) that I'd like to submit aswell for distribution.
> Please advise on the status and if anyone can help with approving these two 
> for distribution.
> Thanks much and God Bless~
> - Vitaliy
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