Yep, thanks. That worked for the initial import. For just a few files I might 
be able to switch back to https.


Am 20.07.2010 um 12:24 schrieb DM Smith:

> Manfred,
> Try doing an svn relocate from https to http. It will put passwords at risk 
> of capture. So it is a short term fix  But it will take tls out of the 
> picture. 
> In Him,
> DM
> Sent from my phone
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 5:18 AM, Manfred Bergmann <> wrote:
>> Troy,
>> This is the command line:
>> mbergm...@lincrafter:~/_sources/crosswire/sword-trunk/bindings> svn commit 
>> objc -m "Added Objective-C bindings including a Xcode project." --username 
>> **********
>> Anmeldebereich: <> CrossWire SVN
>> Passwort für »************«: 
>> Hinzufügen     objc
>> Hinzufügen     objc/English.lproj
>> Hinzufügen     objc/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
>> Hinzufügen     objc/Info copy.plist
>> Hinzufügen     objc/Info.plist
>> Hinzufügen     objc/ObjCSword.h
>> Hinzufügen     objc/ObjCSword.xcodeproj
>> svn: Übertragen schlug fehl (Details folgen):
>> svn: MKCOL von 
>> »/svn/sword/!svn/wrk/1eecbf88-93d3-11df-879b-4752f4a871ac/trunk/bindings/objc/ObjCSword.xcodeproj«:
>>  SSL negotiation failed: Die Wartezeit für die Verbindung ist abgelaufen 
>> (
>> It's in german but the error message is always the same "SSL negotiation 
>> failed" because of a timeout.
>> The amount of data that is transferred on each of my attempts did vary a 
>> lot. Sometimes it runs for a minute or two, sometimes only for a couple of 
>> seconds.
>> I've tried from my Linux box (where the above is from) and from Mac.
>> Manfred
>> Am 20.07.2010 um 10:12 schrieb Troy A. Griffitts:
>>> Manfred,
>>> I've looked around /etc/httpd/conf.d/ and couldn't find +TLSv1
>>> anywhere.  You should have permission to look around there.  Let me know
>>> if you find a place I should change things.
>>> I've had a few strange errors since we've had our server relocated to a
>>> new physical location recently.
>>> I haven't experienced the problems you are reporting.  Can you give me
>>> exactly the svn command you are having trouble with and I'll try from here.
>>> Troy.
>>> On 07/20/2010 01:07 AM, Manfred Bergmann wrote:
>>>> I've Yahoo'ed a little and found this in the SVN forum which is exactly 
>>>> the problem I'm facing.
>>>> It is basically removing the "+TSLv1" from the SSLProrocol config in the 
>>>> virtual host where svn is running on.
>>>> #SSLProtocol -ALL +SSLv3 +TLSv1 
>>>> SSLProtocol -ALL +SSLv3
>>>> Can we please try that?
>>>> Manfred
>>>> Am 18.07.2010 um 18:46 schrieb Manfred Bergmann:
>>>>> Am 18.07.2010 um 17:15 schrieb Greg Hellings:
>>>>>> Manfred,
>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 9:06 AM, Manfred Bergmann
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>>> I'm trying to push ObjC bindings. I tried committing now at least 10 
>>>>>>> times but every time I get a timeout somewhere.
>>>>>>> I remember I had similar experiences when I tried to pull whole JSword 
>>>>>>> a while ago where a couple of attempts were necessary to get all 
>>>>>>> sources.
>>>>>>> Is this a problem with Apache's webdav_svn module?
>>>>>> Does it get part way through the transfer and then terminate with the
>>>>>> timeout?
>>>>> Yes, it's terminating part way through.
>>>>> Manfred
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