On 25 July 2010 21:58, Manfred Bergmann <manfred.bergm...@me.com> wrote:
> Am 25.07.2010 um 21:15 schrieb Dmitrijs Ledkovs:
>> On 25 July 2010 21:13, Dmitrijs Ledkovs <dmitrij.led...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
>>> On 25 July 2010 17:32, Manfred Bergmann <manfred.bergm...@me.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi.
>>>> I'm no automake or make specialist.
>>>> Does anyone know a simple way to put Clucene sources into some folder of 
>>>> SWORD so that both are built/linked together?
>> Guessing from @me.com I assume you are on mac =)
> Yep, I'm on Mac. :)
>> install macports http://www.macports.org/
>> and then
>> $ sudo port install clucene
>> will do the trick =) of fetching and compiling clucene and all dependencies.
> Well, I can build SWORD against clucene either via Fink or Macports or even 
> compile it manually.
> But I need to distribute a universal binary SWORD lib including clucene build 
> via makefile.
> I could manually compile clucene three times and build an ub in an install 
> folder but that's some effort.
> I've also experimented with the monolothic clucene which produces a 
> monolithic clucene object file. This is very easy to produce, basically just 
> a manual g++ call with some options.
> But how can I then integrate this .o file so that SWORD will use it at link 
> stage?

Check ports variants clucene to see if universal variant is available.
If not build it yourself as universal binary. Then you will also be
able to build sword as universal binary.

As long as clucene is universal and you build sword as universal as
well it should all just work.



is example how to configure sword to build as universal library
straight off the bat.

Hope this helps.

> Manfred
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