Indeed, for example, Bible translations done for deaf people in sign
language are done in video as the primary medium.

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Robert Hunt <> wrote:

> On 26/08/10 01:00, Manfred Bergmann wrote:
>>  Creating a new<audio>  tag (or something similar) that gets wrapped in
>>> something like<a href="passagestudy.jsp?action=playAudio...">  would let
>>> this happen in much more consistent, standard, and reliable ways.
>> I don't have the full overview of what the filters do or render exactly
>> but I generally agree here.
>> Using the<img>  tag for audio content would just be a bad hack.
>> This audio stuff I believe has the potential to get quite popular. It
>> would be worth creating a proper specification for this kind of content.
> And don't forget, next year everyone will be clamouring after video as
> well. Might as well think the issue through properly now.
> Robert.
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