This is just a guess, but I suspect it is not being used anywhere by anyone. SWInputMethod was basically for customized input methods of a very basic sort. For example, input ' to the IM and get א out. (HebrewMCIM, if it isn't clear, takes Michigan-Claremont Hebrew encoding and outputs Unicode.) The use for this would be on systems without an OS-wide non-Latin IM switching method, or in the case where we just don't want to use or implement IMs using the OS-supplied methods.

SWInputMethod could probably be implemented using ICU transliterators, which would likely be a bit slower and would add a requirement of using ICU. But doing so would mean not having to write a bunch of classes like HebrewMCIM for each IM we want to support.

Troy can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the original purpose of SWInputMethod and HewbrewMCIM was for a collaborative editor for Project "eL" (cf.


If we really don't intend to use any of this any time soon, it would probably be a good idea to pull it out of the library, since it's just taking up space. Or maybe you had an idea for a use for it?


On 8/31/2010 10:41 AM, Matthew Talbert wrote:
Today I ran across the SWInputMethod class in SWORD and was curious
about it. Apparently, the HebrewMCIM method was added in 2001, and
nothing has been done since. Is this code being used anywhere? What is
it's intended use?


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