David Haslam <d.has...@ukonline.co.uk> wrote:

> Are the files in
> http://www.crosswire.org/ftpmirror/pub/sword/utils/perl/
> http://www.crosswire.org/ftpmirror/pub/sword/utils/perl/  the most up
> to date?
> Has anyone worked on usfm2osis.pl since 2009-10-30 ?

If that is the date on those files, no, they are not up to date. I have
committed a lot to it and so has Chris.

> This is the location linked from our 
> http://crosswire.org/wiki/File_Formats#USFM wiki page , so it should
> be kept as up to date as possible.

I do not think that there is any point in having these utilities
distributed via the ftp server. As someone who makes modules (now) a
lot, I would want to have access to the newest.

Maybe the wiki link should go to the svn repo.


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