On 11/3/2010 5:41 AM, David Haslam wrote:

This thread should initially have been entitled Diatheke - output_format RTF
and Red Words of Christ?

Using output_format HTML does not produce Red Words of Christ either!
diatheke -b KJV -o x -f HTML -k "Mt 1-28">Export\KJV\KJV.Mt.diatheke.html
btw. The help for diatheke is somewhat confusing in that RTF and HTML appear
under both output_format and output_encodingValid output_format values are:
GBF, ThML, RTF, HTML, OSIS, CGI, and plain (def)
Valid output_encoding values are: Latin1, UTF8 (def), UTF16, HTML, and

HTML as an output format directs Sword to apply a (GBF|OSIS|ThML)HTML render filter. HTML as an encoding directs Sword to apply a (UTF8|Latin1)HTML encoding filter.

The same applies for RTF, but substitute RTF for HTML.

These formats have particular encoding formats that are optional in the case of HTML and required in the case of RTF for the display of non-ASCII Unicode characters.


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