
On 12/14/2010 7:01 AM, David Instone-Brewer wrote:
Dear Daniel

I was hoping to look at the possibility of adding a "Root" field to the Strongs modules, so that people could do a search for similar words. As a starting point I was going to find a programming way of identifying clusters from Strong's own internal links to similar words,
and then look through for obvious errors (that's the tricky bit!).
It would be nice to make a distinction between "root" and "lemma", but this would take more sophistication.
The root field would be a wonderful idea. Darrell Smith and I had done some work on Hebrew roots a while back. He may have more to say on this point. On OpenScriptures, we also have my BDB Outline, which gives a rough approximation of derivation (https://github.com/openscriptures/HebrewLexicon). The project is in a state of flux right now, but the current version is at least consistent.

On the Greek side, I have a Greek lexicon, that I use for recording my translation choices. It also contains a derivative field, that may be of use. I could probably extract that, if it would help.



Initially I just need a copy of the project at present (in XML or similar) to see if the plan is feasible. If I get some sensible results, it looks like the best thing to do is to send them to you for incorporation into the official module.
Is that right?

BTW the Strongs Greek v.1.4 still lists 5054 (teknwn) as derived from 5098. This should be derived from "5088". This is in error in all online versions of Strongs This error led someone to publish a book last year saying that Jesus was actually the son of a judge, and was a respected member of the establishment, because 5098 is /_timoria_/ from 5097; vindication, i.e. (by implication) a penalty:--punishment.
Its frightening what can happen as a result of bad OCR.

David IB

At 22:25 13/12/2010, Daniel Owens wrote:
On 12/13/2010 04:06 PM, Peter von Kaehne wrote:
On 13/12/10 16:13, David Haslam wrote:

If you wish to obtain the OSIS source text for a module, then you'd need to
contact the relevant CrossWire volunteer.
The Strong modules are created using TEI not OSIS.

I am not sure (though Chris Little will know) if this :


and our source is the same, but I would think nevertheless this is a
quality source for TEI encoded Strongs.

Another, interesting (though I think, quite sleepy) project is here:


Unfortunate the site appears to be in difficulties. The site uses a
variant of SFM to encode which should be easily translatable into TEI on

Sleepy is a great way to describe our project at textonline.org! I get to it after semesters close (which is right now for us in America), and I need to chase down our provider to fix the site's database! Hopefully when my dissertation is done I will make lots of progress.

Currently the effort in regard to Greek is essentially dormant. For Hebrew, I am working on checking the glosses that you, David IB, obtained from the OLB lexicon to make sure they conform to BDB and Strongs, thus moving the source way from the OLB source and toward public domain material. I am using WeSay, a program written by SIL to enable collaboration in developing lexicons. The files are in LIFT XML and housed at LanguageDepot.org. If you or someone you know would like to contribute to the ongoing work, register there and let me know so I can get you (or another) set up to contribute. WeSay uses Mercurial for version control, but all the user does is click Send/Receive button in WeSay. It is really user-friendly once it is set up. Once I get the textonline.org site back up and running I will make sure the instructions there are clear.

But for Strongs, another source is at OpenScriptures.org. I think they are working on perfecting a Strong's source in OSIS.


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