I like your suggestions, Troy.  :)

Regarding #1, this would be great for PS!  I would hope to have this in v1.4.0, 
which I'm hoping to have out in the next month or so?

#2 is more interesting.  As long as it was rather short (a couple of lines?), 
it should be easy to incorporate into PS & make prominent.  Longer, and it 
wouldn't be displayed to users unless they requested the info by hitting a 
button or something?
Plaintext seems like it would cause the least number of issues, given the 
feedback of other people?  but if it were to be longer, perhaps html would be 
more appropriate?

Thanks, ybic
        nic...  :)

On 29/12/2010, at 11:24 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:

> I have 2 things I'd like for us to discuss and finalize fairly quickly
> if that's at all possible ;)
> 1) As we discussed in the past, I think we all agreed it would be useful
> to add an official .conf entry for navigating to the purchase URL for a
> locked module.  Currently the user has to scan the About section to find
> this.  If we added:
> UnlockURL=
> would it be feasible we could have fairly rapid support for spawning an
> HTML viewer to this URL from our major frontends?
> 2) Current Events:  I'd like to have a:
> NEWS.txt
> or some such file recognized at the root of our remote module
> repositories which allow publishers to let interested users know what's
> going on at their institution.  I envision a simple memo control showing
> the contents of this file in our applications' installer view when
> showing a repository's resources.
> I can add a method to InstallMgr's InstallSource class: SWBuf getNews(),
> or something similar.
> I have ideas about how publishers could support multiple languages:
> NEWS.txt
> NEWS.txt.de
> NEWS.txt.es
> with proper defaults and such, but does this concept sound like
> something we'd all be willing to implement, and in what timeframe?
> Hope everyone has had a very wonderful Christmas filled with family,
> friends, and love.
> Troy
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