On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 11:04 PM, Karl Kleinpaste <k...@kleinpaste.org> wrote:
> Ben Morgan <benpmor...@gmail.com> writes:
>> When this last came up was when it was decided to put the Abbreviation field
>> in the .conf files, but I don't know that
>> a) it was done in any of the conf files
>> b) any frontend authors added support for it
>> If a) happens, b) is likely to follow.
> [1010] [12:00 AM] awol:InstallMgr> pwd
> /home/karl/.sword/InstallMgr
> [1011] [12:00 AM] awol:InstallMgr> ls
> ./               20090224125400/  20090811195706/  20100520154531/  
> 20101001091014/
> ../              20090514005700/  20090907073407/  20100728041232/  
> InstallMgr.conf
> 20081216195754/  20090514005900/  20100520154448/  20100901212041/  
> masterRepoList.conf
> [1012] [12:00 AM] awol:InstallMgr> grep Abbreviation */mods.d/*
> 20081216195754/mods.d/fregbm.conf:Abbreviation=Martin-1744
> 20081216195754/mods.d/frepilgrim.conf:Abbreviation=Pélerin
> [1013] [12:00 AM] awol:InstallMgr>
> (a) has not happened.

(b) has now happened - in BibleTime.

I pushed a branch to my gitorious clone of BibleTime that includes
this functionality.  I must say, for the standard modules I like it
better (my own modules need some cleaning up in this regard).  Feel
free to grab it and try it out if you feel adventurous and brave
enough to weather git.


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