
Looking at getNextFilename more, it seems that it should skip reading the file if it did not open and go on with writing the incfile a few lines later.


On 2/11/2011 7:39 PM, Gary Holmlund wrote:

In Rawfiles::getNextFilename() it is opening this file to read it.
"C:\ProgramData\Application Data\Sword/modules/comments/rawfiles/personal/incfile"

The problem is that this file does not exist. I am not sure when this file should have been created.


On 2/11/2011 5:49 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
Hey Gary,

Thanks for the report.  The problem with your patch is that it doesn't
actually fix the problem.  read should fail if you try to read from an
invalid file descriptor.  The problem is that it sounds like the
RawFiles driver has a bug which is reading from an invalid file descriptor.

Does this make sense?  I appreciate the report.  We should track this
down.  And I appreciate that this fixes your specific problem, but it
changes the behavior of the SWORD read method to be different from the
libc read method and I don't think we should do this.

If you can track down the problem in RawFiles near line 194, that would
be excellent!

Thanks again for the report,


On 02/12/2011 01:15 AM, Gary Holmlund wrote:

I just rediscovered a sword bug that I told you about over a year ago.
For Bibletime it crashes the program when you try to use the Personal
Commentary in write mode on Windows.

I upgraded to Sword 1.62 recently and this caused the bug to occur
again. I had been using a patched version of 1.6.0 for our Windows
build. Please incorporate the patch this time.


Gary Holmlund

*Gary Holmlund* gary.holmlund at
/Tue Nov 3 19:54:25 MST 2009/

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I am working on BibleTime for Windows and we found and fixed a crash in
the sword library. I have attached a patch for the HEAD of sword svn. We
are using the 1.60 version of sword.

The crash occurs when trying to save to a personal commentary for the
first time. Sword is looking for the "incfile" of the personal
commentary. The file does not exist yet.. Here is the call stack and
function at the crash point.

libsword.dll!sword::FileDesc::read(void * buf=0x013eaec0, long count=4)
Line 139
libsword.dll!sword::RawFiles::getNextFilename()  Line 194
libsword.dll!sword::RawFiles::setEntry(const char * inbuf=0x0253d050,
long len=3)  Line 130
bibletime.exe!CSwordModuleInfo::write(CSwordKey * key=0x02e6cd00, const
QString&  newText={...})  Line 705

long FileDesc::read(void *buf, long count) {
    return ::read(getFd(), buf, count);       // crash here

Since the file does not exist, getFd() returns a  fd of -1. The read
promptly crashes with the negative fd. Tracing the same problem in linux shows the same -1 fd, but the read does not crash there. The crash seems specific to the Visual Studio 2008 runtime libraries, but reading with a
negative fd value is clearly wrong.

The fix is simple. Test for the negative fd and return 0 from
fileDesc::read if fd is negative. Returning 0 is what is happening on linux.

Gary Holmlund

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