To expand on Matthew a bit...

It is an extraordinarily Windows-centric view, that we should try to do
something _for one user_ during software installation _for the machine_.

Let the application figure out user-specific stuff when the user runs it.

In Linux, Xiphos (or BibleTime, or anything else) is normally installed
by a package manager.  There is no concern for the nature of the user
who is doing installation, especially considering that the effective
user ID during installation proper is the system superuser, regardless
of who logged into X or the shell.

In Windows, Xiphos' NSIS installer is localized (pick the language
before anything else is done), and I think that set of localizations is
equivalent to the localizations otherwise available when Xiphos is run.
But that's just odd anyway, that localization is any kind of concern
during installation, because installation has no user-specific
attribute, other than (again) the extraordinarily Windows-centric view
that we must provide a cute little dialog that lets the human confirm a
license -- seriously, when is the last time *any* of you *ever* said
"Uhhh...decline" when such a license confirmation appeared? -- and then
watch file names go by as the program installs itself.

In general, for either Linux or Windows, Xiphos runs in the locale of
the system as a whole, as set by the user when he logged in; and in any
event, if the user wants some specific locale other than the system-wide
locale, he can pick one in Preferences.

We're not going to burn even one neuron with trying to translate for all languages, nor to ensure that appropriate
fonts are installed.  For the latter, any user having a sufficiently odd
locale so that fonts are in question will have long-previously figured
out his font universe before he gets around to installing our software.
For the former, well, I figure that's what is for.

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