On Tuesday, May 10, 2011 03:25:54 PM Greg Hellings wrote:
> $ grep -r /space/home/ftp/pub/sword/raw/mods.d/ -e 'RedLetterWords'
> LetterWords
> etterWords
> RedLetterWords
> terWords
> dLetterWords
> SRedLetterWords
> tterWords
> terWords
> terWords
> LetterWords
> RedLetterWords
> terWords
> That's from the official repository.  Of course, that is only OSIS
> (and one GBF) modules. ThML modules have no particular way to 
> in their conf files that the words of Christ are in red, as they would
> just indicate it with inline styling.

I know the ISV is as not only is it marked up internally that way it's hard 
coded what colour red, which makes user/front-end styling rather hard 
as you have to account for it when selecting background colours (ie for 
high contrast, etc)

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