I created the RVR2011 module via windows from Angel's file, in the way I do it 
(prepend the verse reference to each line.)  I see no missing space characters
 in BibleTime with the completed module.  It looks complete with the 
spaces.  I don't read Spanish, but I believe the encoding is the same without 
any changes. 
That is, the special characters in Gen 1-5 look similar to me in the 
book reader compared to what I see in jEdit with UTF8 encoding (the coding the 
file came to me.)

The module he sent me 
(verse numbers only leading each row) should compile without issue on windows. 
I just have some validation 
built into my process that I wanted to do. 

This reproduces what I discovered in 2008: The linux vpl2mod script only 
handles English alphanumeric characters well.. It chokes on quotation marks for 
me.  The windows version is far more robust (no issues with encoding or special 
characters that I know of.) 

Also, it is important to note that the windows version is now the archaic 
windows version. When planning to use the windows version of VPL2MOD, note it 
needs to run in win 3.11 through windows 98 or a Windows 95 or 98 compatibility 
mode in XP. As far as I know, it won't run at all on windows Vista (or Windows 

If I'm feeling energetic tomorrow, I might try to note this in the wiki 
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