
Yes - I'm talking about each single translation in its own right.

See also

My own printed French Bible is Version Synodale 1962, but I'm pretty sure it
is in a long line of tradition that follows the same v11n, which includes
the David Martin translation. Many of the subsequent Protestant translations
are descended from David Martin's revision of the Geneva Bible in 1707.

I think our FreMartin module was "squeezed into KJV v11n" by the persons who
digitized the text source ( that we derived it
from in July 2008 . This sort of thing happens all over the world wide web,
as there are so few folk who really appreciate the complexities of av11n. On
some websites, this has even meant the loss of certain passages, those that
fall outside the KJV v11n.

Earlier this week, I analysed the v11n of the 150 Psalms, with the results
tabulated in an Excel worksheet. Available on request.

126 Psalms have a CT.
For 59 of these, the CT is all of verse 1.
For 4 of these, the CT is verses 1-2.
For the other 63, the CT is only part of verse 1.

Your suggestion about adapting \d to become \d_...\d* is a sensible
workaround. We ought to discuss it with the USFM experts in UBS. 

btw. Peter has already made contact with someone at UBS for initial advice
on this topic, but this was before my detailed analysis, when we both
thought that every one of the CTs was the whole of verse 1.


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