Hi there .... I mentioned in an earlier post that I no longer use Windows for ethical reasons. I had attended a lecture by Richard Stallman (GNU) and was quite disturbed. True, Richard is 'over the top'. He is a zealot and an absolutist. The real world is not ready for his degree of idealism. BUT much of what he says is ultimately right.

Take a look at: http://en.windows7sins.org/ Microsoft has had its public moments in the past - the Netscape debacle to name but one, but the practices it is using to lock folk into Microsoft is nasty. Especially when it entraps young kids! I'm looking at campaigning within the URC to brand Microsoft in the same way we currently brand Nescafe - as unethical.

Just wonder what you guys think?

God bless,        Barry.

From Barry Drake (The Revd) Health and Healing advisor to the East
Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church.  See
http://www.urc5.org.uk/index for information about the synod, and
http://www.urc5.org.uk/?q=node/703 for the Synod Healing pages.

Replies - b.dr...@ntlworld.com

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