On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 8:13 PM, Karl Kleinpaste <k...@kleinpaste.org> wrote:
> Greg Hellings <greg.helli...@gmail.com> writes:
>> When Xiphos 3.1.5 is released the same will be true in it (display in
>> Xiphos <= 3.1.4 is no different from opening a page in Firefox unless
>> the user has compiled against GTKHTML or is using the Windows build).
> Well, no.
> Xiphos' main_url_handler() notices special sword:// URLs, and special
> internal "passagestudy" URLs; then anything else it hasn't recognized
> gets punted off to xiphos_open_default(), which in turn kicks
> gtk_show_uri().  That should open an external browser in any 3.1.x.

Ah, my mistake. I suppose Mike was only using BibleTime in that case.
If Xiphos simply were to leave the URLs it did not understand alone,
its behavior would be expected to be very similar to BibleTime's.


> Unless I'm misunderstanding something completely.
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