An OSIS file does not require every verse. By removing verses and trying to process the file with osis2mod, I'd try to narrow the problem down a bit.

Try to make a single-verse file that works ... osis2mod might not like the syntax ... valid or not.

That might give folks a smaller, bite-sized chunk to look at.

On 11/09/2011 05:40 PM, Paal G. wrote:
Yes, I have tried all debug options. The tool just terminates without any message.

I can send a copy of an OSIS file upon request, if anyone is interested in seeing the symptoms.


> Hi Paal,
> Have you tried any of the debug switches of osis2mod ?
> See
> -d <flags> turn on debugging (default is 0)
> Note: This flag may change in the future.
> Flags: The following are valid values:
> 0 - no debugging
> 1 - writes to module, very verbose
> 2 - verse start and end
> 4 - quotes, esp. Words of Christ
> 8 - titles
> 16 - inter-verse material
> 32 - BSP to BCV transformations
> 64 - v11n exceptions
> 128 - parsing of osisID and osisRef
> 256 - internal stack
> 512 - miscellaneous
> This argument can be used more than once. (Or
> the flags may be added together.)

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