Thanks Greg,

Xiphos certainly supports it, so this means SWORD does.

As I'm working towards improving the OSIS for the CzeCSP module, that's what
I just tested.

A search for the exact phrase, "posla před" found just one hit in Mark.1.2
even though the word "posla" is followed by a note.

I also tried this with BibleDesktop, and curiously, that found three hits
for the same phrase.
Matthew 11:10, Mark 1:2, Luke 7:27

In all three verses, there is a note just after "posla".

Not sure why Xiphos didn't find two of these. Isn't that odd? 
It must mean that a SWORD search can behave different than a JSword search.

A possible clue to the difference might be that part of Luke.7.27 is within
a quote, one that surrounds more than the text which contains the search

<verse sID="Luke.7.27" osisID="Luke.7.27"/>To je <transChange
type="added">ten</transChange>, o němž jenapsáno: <q marker="'">Hle, posílám
svého posla<note osisRef="Luke.7.27" osisID="Luke.7.27!o368"
type="crossReference" n="o368">Mk 1,2</note> před tvou tváří,
kterýupravítvou cestu před tebou.</q>
                        <note osisRef="Luke.7.27" osisID="Luke.7.27!o369" 
n="o369">Ex 23,20; Mal 3,1</note>
                        <verse eID="Luke.7.27"/>

Likewise for Matt.11.10 ....

<verse sID="Matt.11.10" osisID="Matt.11.10"/>To je <transChange
type="added">ten</transChange>, o němž jenapsáno: <q marker="'">Hle, já
posílám svého posla<note osisRef="Matt.11.10" osisID="Matt.11.10!o442"
type="crossReference" n="o442">Mk 1,2</note> před tvou tváří,
kterýupravítvou cestu před tebou.</q>
                        <note osisRef="Matt.11.10" osisID="Matt.11.10!o443" 
n="o443">Ex 23,20; Mal 3,1</note>
                        <verse eID="Matt.11.10"/>

For Mark.1.2 the search item is ALSO within a quote, but the </q> tag is in
the next verse Mark.1.3 ....

<verse sID="Mark.1.2" osisID="Mark.1.2"/>Jak⌝<note type="study"
osisRef="Mark.1.2" osisID="Mark.1.2!t2" n="t2">n.: , byl podle toho,
jak</note> jenapsáno ⌜v proroku Izaiášovi⌝:<note type="study"
osisRef="Mark.1.2" osisID="Mark.1.2!t3" n="t3">var.: v prorocích</note> <q
marker="'">Hle, [já]posílám svého posla<note type="study" osisRef="Mark.1.2"
osisID="Mark.1.2!t4" n="t4">ř. angelos zvěstovatel může označovat nejen
duchovní bytost, ale také člověka poslaného Bohem</note> před tvou tváří,
kterýupravítvou cestu <transChange type="added">[před
tebou]</transChange>.<note osisRef="Mark.1.2" osisID="Mark.1.2!o3"
type="crossReference" n="o3">Ex 23,20; Mal 3,1; Mt 11,10</note>
                        <verse eID="Mark.1.2"/><verse sID="Mark.1.3" 
volajícího v pustině: Připravte Pánovu cestu, vyrovnávejte jeho stezky.</q>

Little did I realize where it would lead, just by asking a question to
follow my curiosity.

I hope this prompts some examination of the SWORD search algorithm.

My XML file is valid OSIS, and there are no error messages output during
module build.


PS. At present, I don't have BibleTime installed.

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