I thought I would mention that I have made a start on this.  I haven't
created a bible module before but hopefully it will go okay.

I am no authority but the ISV seems quite good to me, somewhere between ESV
and GodsWord in it's approach.


On 30 December 2011 18:08, Martin Denham <mjden...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I managed to find the ISV 2.0 Word docs - docm, docx, and doc - on an
> archived version of isv.org.  If anybody would like them I can send a
> link.
> The docs are about a year old, include the OT, NT, footnotes, introductory
> text, and appendixes.
> Best regards
> Martin
> On 17 September 2011 13:38, Chris Little <chris...@crosswire.org> wrote:
>> On 9/17/11 4:52 AM, David Haslam wrote:
>>> There are two editions of the ISV (for the CadreBible version, at least).
>>> * The free ISV edition without footnotes or maps
>>> * The premium ISV edition with footnotes and maps
>>> Presumably, you have the MS Word file for the free edition only (so far)?
>> Formerly, there was only one version available (with notes). To not
>> include notes, you would have to specifically exclude them or be too lazy
>> to do a proper conversion of the text. Now it looks like they have taken
>> their Word docs down from the site--I'm not specifically sure why. Maybe it
>> just moved, and I don't see it.
>>  Do you (or does anyone on this list) have direct contact with the
>>> webmaster
>>> for isv.org ?
>> Sure. There are some email addresses on their website too.
>>  With several electronic editions being available for more than one
>>> platform,
>>> I find it hard to imagine that they'd have MS Word as their controlled
>>> electronic source text.
>> It really is maintained in Word. I guess it made sense at the time they
>> started translation, and I'm sure it suits their translation process fine.
>> They also have PDFs, of course. ;)
>> --Chris
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