Please do not export our data to XML.

We do not own most of our data. CrossWire has been granted rights by many content providers to use their content. Often this permission is not transferable.

Exporting from one content to another is almost always lossy. We try to mark the source of data for all of our content in our .conf files for each module. Please use the original source.

We do not encourage exporting from our format.


On 02/29/2012 03:06 PM, מיכאל בר-דוד wrote:
offline... I'll find it and upload it to my server.

In the meantime, you can take a look at the PHP version, basically it's
very similar:

(Hebrew interface)

  מיכאל בר-דוד

  Michael Bar-David <>

On 02/29/2012 04:05 PM, Matěj Cepl wrote:
On 29.2.2012 14:47, מיכאל בר-דוד wrote:
I built a JS bible software, but it's using XML storage for the texts.
If there's a simple way to convert sword modules into simple xml files
it would be very easy to create the frontend

Where does its source code grow?


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