On 04/23/2012 06:55 PM, Andrew Thule wrote:
I've been playing with the following module:

Specifically, I've been looking at how text is 'altered' in appearance
by tags such as  divineName, foreign, <q marker="" who="Jesus> etc.  I
like this functionality, because it provides the ability to provide
information about the text, without altering the text itself.

Let's say I wanted to experiment with osis.xml by denoting "Messianic
References" in the OT for example,

probably as Peter suggested, simply use a note with a catchWord to identify exactly the text.

(or perhaps OT quotes in the NT),

<seg type="otPassage">new testament quote/allusion to old testament verse</seg>

and probably a <note type="crossReference"> included to footnote the verses as suggested by Peter. You might also include the global annotateRef="osisRef" on the seg to indicate the OT passages, but this is mostly meant for commentaries of other works. I guess you could consider the NT a commentary on the OT :) But we probably wouldn't ever expect that attribute to be there.

Hope that gets you started.


what would be the preferable way of doing this?


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