On 04/23/2012 02:51 PM, Barry Drake wrote:
On 23/04/12 16:17, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
The information Dmitrijs asked me for did give me the information I needed
to sort the problem.

I'm glad you got sorted it out =))))
Mixing development repositories, can lead to all sort of weird stuff.

Yes. Thanks for all the help on this one. I think it's led me to a weird bug in BibleTime though. Please try this: In Bibletime, open the NET bible. Hover over a footnote. The footnote is properly displayed in the mag. Now close BibleTime and re-open. I my case, the notes are no longer displayed in the mag until NET is closed and re-opened. Can anyone confirm this?

God bless,

I cannot confirm this in 2.9.1. It works as expected, but I am testing only with the NETfree module. I really should buy the whole thing. It is a great resource.


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