Yes, Xiphos in Linux is perfect.

On Friday, July 20, 2012, Karl Kleinpaste wrote:

> Andrew Thule < <javascript:;>> writes:
> > Karl, fonts 'appear' rendered differently in the main window (large
> > upper right where bible text appears) and not rendered at all (in
> > windows) in the pane immediately to the left (upper left above the
> > previewer pane), which I understand (perhaps incorrectly) pulls some
> > info from the .conf file.
> >
> > In the 'module pane' upper left where you select modules, the
> > Inuktitut font is not being found/rendered.  I'm getting those obtuse
> > UTF8 boxes you get when fonts appear to be missing.
> Oh, that.  Now I understand.  You mean the language names in the module
> selection tree itself.
> Yes, Inuktitut is a problematic font.
> This is a Windows-centric problem.  We have no knowledge of where
> Windows as a whole, or GTK-under-Windows (one of the several display
> toolkits Xiphos must use), finds its idea of default application font.
> Surprisingly to me, Windows seems the most crippled as to font awareness
> when compared to any UNIX or Linux system, which invariably in my
> experience are perfectly capable of handling such fonts.  When my Linux
> system first wants to display a new font, GTK-driven programs pop a
> dialog to ask if they should go hunt it down.  If someone knows how to
> handle such problems in Windows, I'm sure we'd all appreciate the
> education.
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