On 07/27/2012 01:04 AM, David Haslam wrote:
There was such a collision in my experience.

Our friend who maintains the IBT repo uses the name RV for the Russian
Synodal Version.
(don't worry - I've already told him about this minor issue)

This clashes with the standard abbreviation for the English Revised Version
of 1885.
I've made an RV module for the latter, initially for my own personal use.

Yet soon we should be able to make and distribute one. :)
Neil Rees (Studge) of *bfbs linguistic computing* has recently added the
English RV to Paratext,
since it was a Bible Version once published by the BFBS, and thus of
historical interest for scholars.
When it is properly checked, we can obtain the USFM files from the official
and proceed to make a module.

The RV from http://ebible.org/eng-rv/index.htm is on my docket to post, just as soon as I can get the new Python USFM to OSIS converter working. That should be in a day or two, assuming the RV doesn't use many tags in addition to the test doc I'm using for development.


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