On 31/07/12 10:20, David Haslam wrote:
Please consider providing feedback on *phpsword*.  The developer would much
appreciate this.

See http://ibt.org.ru/en/text.htm?mc2=WEB&l=Rev.3&g=200#sv
for a peek at its features.

After one-minute (not much more) testing with my Firefox on Android phone, I found this site completely unuseable. It is not Responsive Design (or whatever is current buzzword for not-sc*wing HTML with tons of Javascript nonsense ;)) and looks completely horrible on small screen.

Having said that, I am not a big friend of NIH projects as well. If we had a variant of SwordWeb like http://m.gutenberg.org/ I don't think I had any interface issues.

However, HTML5 is not only about that. With mobile phone you quickly find that the "Connected All the Time" is still mostly illusion even in the middle of large European cities, so if somebody made to that mobile-SwordWeb also an ability to cache modules offline (which was the only topic I was talking with Stephan), it would be very useful indeed.

The source code is part of that for xulsword. See

I am not that much interested in XUL applications generally (I think that outside of Firefox/Thunderbird etc. itself, it is the dead-end of development), but just to note, I have never made XULSword working with my Firefox on Linux.



http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/, Jabber: mcepl<at>ceplovi.cz
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[...] a superior pilot uses his superior judgment to avoid having to exercise his superior skill. -- http://www.jwz.org/blog/2009/09/that-duct-tape-silliness/#comment-10653

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