My language project is very close to being ready to electronically publish our 
scripture through sword.  I have created an osis file which validates and has 
no untransformed USFM markers.  I have ran the fixtitle script over the osis 
file.  I have a .conf file and a locale file ready.

I have created modules using two versions of osis2mod (using Windows versions 
available here: and 
checked them in the various frontends.
These are the two versions I used: and

These are the problems I have ran into:
If I use the most current version (1.6.2-r2673)
My headings do not show up at all in Xiphos.  This is true whether I use the 
fixtitle script on the osis or not.  Also in Xiphos and in Pocketsword there is 
a double line break between paragraphs.

If I use the previous version (1.6.1-r2578)
My headings now display fine in Xiphos.  However, in Xiphos, Pocketsword, and 
AndBible the first verse number of new paragraphs is displayed on a line of its 
own.  The text of the verse then follows on the next line.

These visual hiccups don't look good in the eyes of our project manager who 
will give the final go signal on publishing.  (Bible translators tend to be 
perfectionists, which I am thankful for).  Is there something that I can do on 
my end with my current osis file in order to fix these issues?  Should I submit 
the OSIS files now and see if the crosswire team's created module might fix 
these problems (there is a high chance that the linux version of osis2mod is 
working better than the windows)?  It is also possible that these are all bugs 
that I need to register with the various frontends.

Please advise.
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