
When you are the only one who thinks your position on copyright is correct, and *everyone* else is telling you "No, you're fundamentally misunderstanding the case law involved," I submit that it might be wise to stop and consider the possibility that you may be wrong in your understanding. And by the way:

On 11/14/2012 01:40 AM, Andrew Thule wrote:
It's been hinted that because I stand alone in my defence, against
so many, clearly I must be wrong. This, of course, is the fallacy
argumentum ad populum. The number of people who believe something to
be true, has no bearing on the truth of the belief. In human
history, there was a time when only a single person believed the
world was round rather than flat. There was also a time when only a
single person believed the messiah (though King) would be killed and
rise on the third day. Sometimes it takes a single dissenting voice,
to correct popular misconceptions however bleak the odds.

This would only be a fallacy if I was asserting that because you are the only one who believes this position, you *must* logically be wrong. However, I am asserting that you would be *wise to consider carefully* the possibility that you might indeed be wrong. (And by the way, you are completely INCORRECT in asserting that "there was a time when only a single person believed the world was round rather than flat" if you are referring, as I think you are, to Christopher Columbus. In fact, most of his detractors also believed the world was round, and knew that the distance to India was too great for Columbus's proposed voyage to succeed: he would run out of food and other vital supplies before reaching his destination. Columbus believed that the distance was about 25% less than his destractors said it was, and argued that he would be able to carry enough supplies. As it turned out, Columbus' detractors were actually CORRECT: had he not had the extreme good fortune to bump into a totally unsuspected land mass that neither he nor his detractors knew about, he and his men would have starved before reaching India. See and for more details.)

And getting back to the relevant point, you are indeed wrong in your understanding of fair use doctrine in the US. You assert the following two defenses:

On 11/14/2012 01:40 AM, Andrew Thule wrote:
1. This module falls within the provisions of section 107 of the
Copyright Act, and therefore constitutes 'fair use'
2. Independent, and in addition to this, the use of Copyrighted work in
the case of derivative works is permitted.

On point one, fair use doctrine in the US relies, as you know, on four factors: the nature of the use (including commercial vs. non-commercial use), the nature of the copyrighted work (facts are not copyrightable), how much of the copyrighted work is used (copying substantial portions weakens fair use defense a LOT), and the effect of the use on the market value of the original work (this one is where your assertion of fair use would fail utterly in court).

And by the way, you should be aware that non-commercial use is NOT a clear defense in fair use doctrine. See L.A. Times v. New Rebublic ( where the website was copying L.A. Times articles wholesale for the purpose of allowing people to engage in political commentary on them. Relevant quotes:

"the mere fact that a use is educational and not for profit does not insulate it from a finding of infringement, any more than the commercial character of a use bars a finding of fairness" (three different cases are cited in support of this, so I won't quote them all; you can find them easily enough with a text search.)

"even copying for noncommercial purposes may impair the copyright holder's ability to obtain the rewards that Congress intended him to have" (Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 464 U.S. 417, 452, 78 L. Ed. 2d 574, 104 S. Ct. 774 (1984))

"while other factors in the fair use calculus may not be sufficient by themselves to preclude the fair use defense, . . . excessive copying precludes fair use" (Walt Disney Prods. v. Air Pirates, 581 F.2d 751, 758 (9th Cir. 1978))

"the concept of a 'transformative use' is central to a proper analysis under the first factor." (American Geophysical Union v. Texaco, Inc., 60 F.3d 923 (2d Cir. 1995))

"'the more critical inquiry under the first factor and in fair use analysis generally is . . . whether and to what extent the new work is transformative,'" not whether the use is commercial." ( Castle Rock Entertainment, Inc. v. Carol Publishing Group, Inc., 150 F.3d 142 (2d Cir. 1998))

And one final quote, from the LA Times v. New Republic case itself:

"Here, the court has found that defendants' copying of plaintiffs' articles is minimally, if at all, transformative. The comments of the individual who posts an article generally add little by way of comment or criticism to its substance. The extent of the copying is more than is necessary to foster the critical purpose it is designed to serve. Because the copying is verbatim, encompasses large numbers of articles, and occurs on an almost daily basis, the evidence supports a finding that defendants (and visitors to the Free Republic page) engage in extensive, systematic copying of plaintiffs' works.

Weighed against the essentially non-transformative nature of defendants' use is the fact that they do not directly derive revenue or profit from the posting of plaintiffs' articles, and the fact that their operation of the Free Republic website has many characteristics of a non-profit venture. So too, their use of plaintiffs' articles appears to be intended more for public benefit than for private commercial gain.

Since the "central purpose" of the inquiry on the first fair use factor is to determine "whether the new work merely 'supersede[s] the objects' of the original creation, . . . or instead adds something new" ( Campbell, supra, 510 U.S. at 579), the court finds that the non-transformative character of the copying in this case tips the scale in plaintiffs' favor, and outweighs the non-profit/public benefit nature of the purpose for which the copying is performed. This is particularly true since the posting of plaintiffs' articles to the Free Republic site amounts to "systematic . . . multiplying [of] the available number of copies" of the articles, "thereby serving the same purpose" for which licenses are sold or archive charges imposed. [*54] See American Geophysical, supra, 60 F.3d at 924. The first fair use factor thus favors plaintiffs."

As you can see, the non-commercial use of a work, even for educational purposes, is not a sufficient defense in fair use doctrine if the work is copied wholesale. And the "transformative" term above does not refer to changing material from one format to another, as a non-lawyer might reasonably assume, but rather to a very specific concept, that the use "must employ the quoted matter in a different manner or for a different purpose from the original. [...] Transformative uses may include criticizing the quoted work, exposing the character of the original author, proving a fact, or summarizing an idea argued in the original in order to defend or rebut it. They also may include parody, symbolism, aesthetic declarations, and innumerable other uses." Note that simply reproducing the original work in a different format (electronic form vs. printed matter) would NOT count as a transformative use under this doctrine.

(See and and the various cases cited there for more details on transformativeness doctrine; if I were to go into all the cases on how your use of the DJD translations, verbatim, would NOT be transformative enough to be a legitimate "derived work" under US case law, this email would become even longer than it already is.)

Andrew, I understand that you have the best of intentions and want to honor the law in your actions. However, given that there are many people who are informing you that you are in violation of the law despite your good intentions, I have to ask you: are you a copyright lawyer? If not, have you consulted a copyright lawyer about whether what you're doing is permitted under US law? (I'm assuming that US law is what applies to you; if not, substitute Canada or whatever country you live in for US in the above question.) Because I am VERY much concerned that you are in serious violation of copyright law without knowing it -- but ignorance of the law is not a defense that US courts ever accept. Please, PLEASE, talk to an expert and LISTEN TO HIS OPINION, even if it's completely the opposite of what you had previously believed was true.

In Him,

Robin Munn

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