On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Peter von Kaehne <ref...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> On Tue, 2012-12-18 at 07:47 -0600, Greg Hellings wrote:
>> From the other thread, Troy writes:
>> "I have been following the discussion on the SFTP patch and hadn't
>> seen it come to a conclusion yet regarding what might be necessary to
>> detect SSL support in cURL. I don't feel I've been negligent with
>> this."
>> I guess we had a chicken/egg type problem because I was waiting to
>> hear back from Peter on his success and you on what you thought of it
>> before going further.
> Apologies. It still fails, but in a "better" way than before.
> I have compiled libcurl on Ubuntu from source, enabling ssh and sftp.
> I had no joy with putting a password anywhere where it made sense.

Your line in InstallMgr.conf should look like this if you want to use
password authentication:

> It clearly tries to connect with the help of a public key, but there
> appears to be some confusion as I am getting error messages that my
> user name and my key do not fit together.

It probably isn't picking up the username from your conf file
properly. It likely is defaulting to user 'anonymous' or somesuch in
that case (or maybe the current user on your local machine, which is
what OpenSSH defaults to - this often trips me up because I use 'greg'
on all my personal machines but I'm usually 'ghellings' at work or on
public systems). You can modify the line above by taking out the
'password' field and leaving the space between those two pipes blank.
That should do the public key auth if you provide it the password
entry at least.


> I can ssh into the same server with a key no problem
> Peter
> CURLFTPTransport: TEXT: SSH authentication methods available:
> publickey,password
> CURLFTPTransport: TEXT: Using ssh public key
> file /home/<username>/.ssh/<my_key>.pub
> CURLFTPTransport: TEXT: Using ssh private key
> file /home/<username>/.ssh/<my_key>
> CURLFTPTransport report progress: totalSize: 0; xfered: 0
> CURLFTPTransport: TEXT: SSH public key authentication failed:
> Username/PublicKey combination invalid
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