On 1/4/2013 12:11 PM, Andrew Thule wrote:

On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 1:35 AM, Chris Little <chris...@crosswire.org
<mailto:chris...@crosswire.org>> wrote:

    We've actually had specific discussions with you about our not
    wanting you to redistribute our modules, specifically because of
    copyrighted content such as this for which WE have permission. YOU
    are not CrossWire. Any reasonable person would conclude that he did
    not have permission to distribute unless his name were, by some
    coincidence, "CrossWire".

Chris, you're already making modules based upon the ISV publically
available (are you not?).  Once you made it clear you wanted me to 'take
it down' and I did - where exactly is the problem here?

I credit you for taking it down, but you haven't explained why YOU felt it was YOUR place to do it in the first place. 'Andrew Thule posts the module on his FTP site' is not part of our release process.

    I'm curious what your train of thought was that led you to conclude
    that YOU should distribute a module that we were not distributing,
    when your basis for distribution was a belief that WE had permission
    to distribute it.

I've already explained my train of thought on this.  Crosswire freely
distributes version 1.5 of a module based upon ISV.  One of the
developers asks about updating it to include the OT.  Checking the
distribution rights contained in the isv.conf file, I see that Crosswire
is already permitted to distribute this copyrighted text so offer to
help.  You ask me to remove the module from my repo - which I do.  Peter
gets angry and tells me to leave.

Yet, why would that have anything at all to do with you? You have no connection to the publishers, you didn't do the conversion, and you are in no way a part of the release process.

You say you checked the distribution rights presented in isv.conf, but it contained exactly the string present in those modules that we have told you in the past that you may not re-distribute. You prevent reading of other such .confs on your FTP site, so you're clearly aware that this is material you should not be re-distributing. But you did it anyway, because you're content to act without thinking.


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