My suggestion would be to avoid pre-built indices. However, given I'm the one 
who first went about making them, I think there are pros in certain situations. 

In my situation, I get to be gatekeeper over the entire solution (PocketSword), 
where users cannot change the version of clucene or libsword behind my back. 
And so I can be aware of when things might break (& increment my "v1" bit of 
the download URL of the indices).

BTW, I would strongly suggest that no one else use either the and-bible or 
PocketSword pre-built indices due to incompatibilities that have been explained 
in other posts. :)
I'd also strongly suggest that no one else creates new ones for another 
platform, unless it's absolutely necessary. They are messy, as you can probably 
gather from all these posts!  :)

Thanks, ybic
        nic...  :)

On 24/01/2013, at 5:18 AM, Peter von Kaehne <> wrote:

>> Von: Andrew Thule <>
>> There are Pros and Cons either way (resource usage and download time
>> being considerations) as you point out.
> There are no pros and only contras. And I certainly have not pointed out any 
> pros. Nor has DM. Please stop using my name as supposedly in agreement with 
> you. I find this offensive.
> FWIW - If you run a repo for anyone other than yourself with indeces 
> included, you will create a significant risk of malfunction. For anyone other 
> than the user of the specific version of libsword and clucene. 
> As such no one expects from you anything anymore, so, further explanations 
> are probably pointless.
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