Hi Troy,

The Dictionary Lookup is working fine for the Greek, in all the Greek New Testaments, the KJV, even the LXX. In Hebrew it's nothing but gibberish. Whatever I try to look up comes up with a 56xx entry in the Hebrew dictionary.

I don't actually remember what the issues were from before.


On 1/28/2013 7:39 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
Thanks David and Jerry for the feedback,

The last previously reported bug still outstanding was a problem with the dictionary lookup box. Thanks for the bug report about the parallel view and the options getting reset when changing display preferences. The parallel display was pretty messed up in a few ways. It should be working much better now. The display preferences box should no longer reset all feature display options. Here is a new build:


Thanks for testing the previous version and it would be great if you have a chance to verify your reported problems are fixed.

Thank you!!!


On 01/28/2013 02:53 AM, jhphx wrote:
On 1/27/2013 1:44 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:

Have a go and let me know if you see anything which needs updating before posting this publicly:


It took me a bit to realize that it didn't install to the directory I had been using. Then I copy and pasted the .exe files into the old one. Otherwise the install looked okey.

The Parallel tab for bibles seems to be broke. The texts don't sync correctly. Each text seems to be synced to whatever the tab for that text is set to, not to each other or both to the verse selection tool above.

Otherwise I haven't noticed anything else. What were the old issues?


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