In the upcoming update to the ESV, the <l> element will be using the level 
attribute to indicate indentation. A level="1" means first level line, 
level="2" a second level line, level="3" a third level line. If the level 
attribute is not present treat it as 1.

That is, level 1 is no indent.

Regarding the psalm 1 <lg> problem, please let me know of problems. This seems 
to be addressed.

When I get it a bit further along, I'll share it with key application devs so 
they can proof it in their apps.

In Him,

On Feb 2, 2013, at 12:49 AM, Nic Carter <> wrote:

> Thanks heaps for this :)
> I'm getting there, but have encountered a few interesting bits. I'm using the 
> ESV and something I just realised was that Psalm 1 only had a closing <lg> 
> tag at the end of verse 6 & no opening tag:
>  <lg eID="w106"/> 
> I couldn't find the opening one anywhere in the chapter.
> Until I looked at Psalm 1:0
> & then I found it!
> Anyway, I have it mostly working (besides for cases like the above, where you 
> _need_ to have the Introductions switched on for the formatting to work 
> correctly).
> However, the tricky thing for this to then work with PS is the verse numbers, 
> where you talk about doing some "floating block whitespace" to make it "work 
> more nicely". I'm gonna try to look at what BPBible does in regards to that, 
> cause I'm a novice when it comes to HTML now-a-days...
> Thanks, ybic
>       nic...  :)
> On 02/02/2013, at 12:02 AM, Ben Morgan <> wrote:
>> I've found vertical whitespace can be problematic, and it's often around 
>> verse boundaries.
>> osis2mod often seems to put some of the whitespace in the previous 
>> verse/chapter, which I think I reported a long time ago and should be fixed. 
>> I remember we had trouble finding the right combination of when to start a 
>> verse. I have a vague feeling I had suggested some fixes which weren't ever 
>> put in - but I can't be sure, and it's possible there might have been some 
>> which caused other issues.
>> BPBible does some things like floating block whitespace before verse numbers 
>> etc. to make this work more nicely.
>> As for the two-level poetry layout (or 3 level - e.g. ESV 1 Tim 3:16), 
>> BPBible has done this for ages (e.g. try opening ESV in psalms). It's not 
>> particularly straightforward to implement well though. A brief overview of 
>> how it is done:
>> The start tag <l> gets handled something like so:
>>              mapping = {
>>                      # usual poetry indent in ESV
>>                      "x-indent": 2,
>>                      # extra indent - 1 Tim 3:16 (ESV) for example
>>                      "x-indent-2": 4,
>>                      # declares lines - Declares the Lord, Says the Lord, 
>> etc.
>>                      "x-declares": 6,
>>                      # doxology - Amen and Amen - Psalms 41:13, 72:19, 89:52 
>> in ESV 
>>                      "x-psalm-doxology": 6,
>>                      # usual poetry indent in WEB
>>                      "x-secondary": 2,
>>              }
>>              level = xmltag.getAttribute("level")
>>              if level:
>>                      # the level defaults to 1 - i.e. no indent
>>                      indent = 2 * (int(level) - 1)
>>              else:
>>                      indent = mapping.get(xmltag.getAttribute("type"), 0)
>>              #if indent:
>>              if self.in_indent:
>>                      dprint(WARNING, "Nested indented l's", 
>> self.u.key.getText())
>>              self.in_indent = True
>>              if not self.in_copy_verses_mode:
>>                      self.buf += '<div class="indentedline width-%d" 
>> source="l">' % indent
>>              self.blocklevel_start()
>> and end tag like so:
>>      def end_l(self, xmltag):
>>              if self.in_indent:
>>                      self.blocklevel_end()                   
>>                      self.buf += "<br>" if self.in_copy_verses_mode else 
>> "</div>"
>> <lg> elements are also handled, turning them into blockquotes.
>> This is matched up with CSS like so (note, there's a lot more in it than 
>> this to handle floating verse numbers outside of poetry etc):
>> /* Poetry */
>> blockquote.lg
>> {
>>      margin: 0.5em 0em 0.5em 3em;
>> }
>> /* We want our indented lines to behave nicely - wrapped lines should be
>>  * indented further. text-indent undoes the wide margin only for the first
>>  * line */
>> div.indentedline.width-2 {
>>      -moz-padding-start: 5em;
>>      text-indent: -3em;
>> }
>> div.indentedline.width-4 {
>>      -moz-padding-start: 5em;
>>      text-indent: -1em;
>> }
>> div.indentedline.width-6 {
>>      -moz-padding-start: 7em;
>>      text-indent: -1em;
>> }
>> div.indentedline.width-0 {
>>      -moz-padding-start: 5em;
>>      text-indent: -5em;
>> }
>> God Bless,
>> Ben
>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>> For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, 
>> declares the Lord God; so turn, and live.”
>> Ezekiel 18:32 (ESV)
>> On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 9:32 PM, Nic Carter <> wrote:
>> Is this caused by improperly formed modules that have fun with <l> poetry & 
>> <lb> ?
>> [I think I have already emailed through what I do after the filter gives me 
>> it's result in order to try to reduce the vertical whitespace!]
>> And while I'm on the topic of poetry, in Proverbs you often see couplets 
>> (altho are they termed that in the Bible?) where in a printed Bible the 2nd 
>> line is indented. Would we be able to do that to some degree? I don't know 
>> the OSIS tags that refer to this, but if someone were able to point me in 
>> the right direction, I may even be able to hack this together myself? I am 
>> looking around line 360 of osishtmlhref.cpp........
>> On 20/01/2013, at 8:12 AM, DM Smith <> wrote:
>> > I've noticed that OSIS modules sometimes render with a lot of vertical 
>> > whitespace (blank lines).
>> >
>> > I'd like for this to be sorted as part of the next release. I don't think 
>> > it'd be too hard. I've been in the osishtmlhref filter to see if I could 
>> > figure it out, but it is beyond me.
>> >
>> > So this is a suggestion for others.
>> >
>> > Using the HTML notion of block and inline elements, I think we can 
>> > classify OSIS elements as block or inline. Off the top of my head, <div>, 
>> > <chapter>, <p>, <lb/>, <lg>, <l>, <title>, <table> and <row> are the block 
>> > elements.
>> > The key feature of a block element is that block elements that follow each 
>> > other stack one on top of each other.
>> > Some block elements allow nesting, such as <div>.
>> >
>> > In HTML, an empty <div> occupies no vertical space. A nested div does not 
>> > cause additional vertical space.
>> >
>> > In HTML, a <p> has semantics as to whether it is preceded or followed by 
>> > whitespace. A <p> at the beginning of a document is not preceded by a 
>> > blank line. Nor is a </p> at the end of a document. This is also true 
>> > after a heading element.
>> >
>> > I think that the SWORD renderers always cause a <div> to occupy vertical 
>> > whitespace.
>> >
>> > The other issue with <div> is that we now have a "pre-verse" div, which is 
>> > a great way of marking off what stands before a verse, but this <div> 
>> > really shouldn't have any <div> semantic. It probably would have been 
>> > better if we used <milestone> instead.
>> >
>> > I seem to remember that there is a "swollow" flag for whitespace (I think 
>> > it might be for horizontal whitespace.) I think something like this could 
>> > be used for vertical whitespace.
>> >
>> > The other part to this is when a chapter is shown verse-per-line. If 
>> > because of rendering the pre-verse content the verse already starts on a 
>> > new line, I don't think more vertical whitespace should be produced.
>> >
>> >
>> > Together in His Service,
>> >       DM
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