Hello. There really is done work for av11n conversion support for sword. You even may get patch at


and use it if you compile libsword for your self. But you also should take into account that this feature is not supported officially and would be incompatible with future releases of Sword. And there is no known schedule for this as this work was not considered for two years.


Chris Burrell <ch...@burrell.me.uk> писал(а) в своём письме Tue, 12 Mar 2013 23:44:36 +0400:


I was wondering if someone is working on being able to convert from 1
versification system to another. This very important for being to line up
verses and therefore very important to STEP for our interlinears.

I'm told someone is doing the work for Sword first and then we will bring
it across into JSword.

Is someone working on this? Does anyone know what the status of this is? Is there a target date for when the design will be finalised such that we can
implement this in JSword?


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