So, a bug was just reported to to 
say that our FAQ is about 4 years out of date. Work on PocketSword started near 
the end of 2008 (by Ian) and it was released on the App Store in December 2009.

Our "public" FAQ is at
Our "developer" FAQ is at
 and is updated to reflect the actual situation.

My opinion is that we should completely do away with the JSP version of our 
website and completely move across to the wiki. David is amazing at keeping on 
top of it and poking us when our individual parts need fixing (which we 
sometimes ignore, sorry David!). If we just redid the main page of the wiki to 
be more end-user-friendly, then we wouldn't have our website be so insanely out 
of date? :)

/me goes and hides in the corner.

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