Thank you for your reply.
> On 13/06/2013, at 9:15 PM, wrote:
>>> Are the Japanese modules (in beta) going to be updated to reflect this?
>> What should I do to relect that?
> Moving forward, if you are using "Ruby" or "Glosses", you should have the
> line:
> GlobalOptionFilter=OSISGlosses
> to signify that the front-end should have the ability to be able to toggle
> glosses on and off.

Hmm, It seems that there are no front-ends which renders the rubys as
Some front-ends can show/hide the rubys, but when they show rubys,
they only shows the contents in parentheesis with smaller fonts --
which is not the expected representations of the rubys.

By the way, if the only difference is the description in the
module.conf , it will be a very easy thing to do.
( I can't understand why it will be a problem. )

Are there no needs to replace '<w gloss="つくり">創造</w>たまへり'
to '<w ruby="つくり">創造</w>たまへり' ?

I think 'ruby' does not mean 'glossary', and the name 'gloss' is
somewhat misleading.

Ruby should increase the readability of the users, but current
implementations of front-ends are not.

> I believe that glosses/ruby isn't supported in modules that aren't marked
> up in OSIS.  :)
> I hope that helps?  Thanks, ybic
> nic...  :)
> ps: The previous way was to have "=OSISRuby", but that has been deprecated
> and support for that may be removed "at any point in the future" from the
> API, according to the definition of "deprecated"...  ;)

osis source text for 'kougo-yaku' without ruby
osis source text for 'kougo-yaku' with ruby

osis source text for 'bungo-yaku' without ruby
osis source text for 'bungo-yaku' with ruby

bungo-yaku is combination of meiji-yaku(old testament) and
taisho-kaiyaku(new testament).


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