One more, would it be possible to wrap the introductions for each book in a
<div type="introduction"> tag? I believe that's the best way of indicating
introductions and is the way the new ESV text will be doing it. (thinking
of the AAI text in this case)


On 25 June 2013 19:54, Chris Burrell <> wrote:

> So I tried the first book (AAI) and it seems almost all good, except that
> it complains it doesn't recognise "2Thes" when creating the module. I
> believe this should be "2Thess" instead... As a result the book was missing
> when my UI showed it on screen. Not sure if this is the case across the
> board...
> And I tried another random book (GAM). Seems to be missing the starting
> chapter marker. And I can't get any of the content up (perhaps because the
> module doesn't get generated properly).
> Hope this helps a bit. Is anyone intending to create a module repository
> for all of those wonderful texts?
> Chris
> On 25 June 2013 05:41, Kahunapule Michael Johnson <>wrote:
>>  I think that I'm once again clear of David's issue list for the Tok
>> Pisin Bible, with the exception of releasing an update to Haiola. My
>> development copy has essential fixes for OSIS generation that the current
>> published version lacks: better placement of verse end markers and
>> correction of a serious bug in handling the USFM tag \vp*. (\vp ...\vp*
>> doesn't even get converted, since Sword doesn't yet handle that feature,
>> but the bug ate some text.) I have regenerated all of the public Scripture
>> source files at, and the updates are
>> uploading, now. (Look for a fresh file date to see what has been uploaded
>> so far.)
>> I'll follow with the release once I finish up a couple of other things
>> that I'm working on in Haiola and do more testing. I'll see if I can get
>> that done before DH once again reminds me of my fallibility. :-)
>> Shalom,
>> Michael
>> On 06/21/2013 08:50 PM, David Haslam wrote:
>> Thanks Michael,
>> I knew that you'd be on to it. My message was just to keep the rest of us au
>> fait with the situation.
>> The USFM file for ESG does not have the omissions observed in Michael's own
>> OSIS XML file.
>> The latter was converted from the USFX files using Haiola.
>> So some attention is required on how the USFM => USFX transformation works
>> for ESG.
>> Or it may be a weakness in Haiola?  Either way, we need to find a way
>> forward.
>> As regards matters arising from using on the downloaded USFM
>> files,
>> these are explored in detail on our tracker.  See
>> Best regards,
>> David
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